Last night was the first time that I have trapped away from the trusty plug socket and went mobile with a Halfords 200 Powerpack and 40w Actinic tube.
I decided on going to the outskirts of Hatfield Forest.
This was merely a test to see if anything would go wrong and what needs to me improved.
Firstly the Halfords Powerpack took about a minute to finally strike the 40w Actinic tube, I was praying just before!, knowing my luck it wouldn't light up and just keep flickering.
Once illuminated, both sheets were put in place. I had some difficulty in doing this......the trees that I selected to suspend it from were insufficient but gave the idea of what I wanted to achieve.
within 10 minutes I had my First ever Winter Moth, and what a delightful thing he was.
I decided to pack up and reassess the location further (when it is daylight)
Catch Report
- 1x Winter Moth [NFY]
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