An absolutely amazing night here in rural Essex with 3 new species, the best of them all a pristine Maiden's Blush a Moth which I hoped for last year and such a dainty delicate Moth.
Oak-tree Pug was a first aswell which was kindly Id'd by a few chaps on Back Garden Moths.
A mass of new for year species coming on the wing now and a slight influx of Hebrew Character's up by 10 (16) from the previous night, again massive variation in size, colour and markings.
We have enjoyed very mild, calm and dry conditions the last week, unfortunately this seems all to change tomorrow when windier and wetter weather approaches the south-east.
Catch Report - Hatfield Broad Oak - 160w MBT Robinson Trap
1x Maiden's Blush [NFG]
1x Oak-tree Pug [NFG]
2x Agonopterix arenella [NFG]
1x Pale Tussock [NFY]
1x Angle Shades [NFY]
1x Swallow Prominent [NFY]
1x Brimstone Moth
2x Powdered Quaker
3x Chocolate-tip
1x Streamer
3x Chocolate-tip
1x Streamer
1x Herald
16x Hebrew Character
3x Clouded Drab
1x Emmelina monodactyla
16x Hebrew Character
3x Clouded Drab
1x Emmelina monodactyla
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