Elachista atricomella

Small Yellow Underwing

Pebble Hook-tip
Drinker Moth Caterpillar

1x Epinotia immundana [NFS]

Small Yellow Underwing

Pebble Hook-tip

I took a gentle stroll along the River today from Pig Lane southwards, creeping about in the undergrowth in search of whatever I could find, I really was hoping for a few Moths as well (you know me!)
I wasn't let down!
After about 15 minutes of a few test shots of Spiders, Bugs and Beetles I stumbled upon a beautiful Pebble Hook-tip in fantastic condition merrily sitting there in the sunshine, and sticking out abit like a sore thumb!
Later on I came across a few micro Moths that I have yet to ID, these proved very difficult to capture with the lense, but.........no more difficult than a Orange Underwing that was going it's own business in the sunshine.
I could not get a decent picture, and when it did settle......sod's law it's the otherside of an electric fence, posing beautifully!
Other notes were 20+ Drinker Moth caterpillar's all different sizes which was a true sight.
Catch Report - Bishop's Stortford (Essex south of the river) - Daytime
1x Pebble Hook-tip [NFY]
1x Small Yellow Underwing [NFS]
1x Nettle-tap
2x Grapholita jungiella [NFS]
1x Elachista atricomella [NFS]1x Epinotia immundana [NFS]
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