I arrived at 7pm to set-up traps, we had a total of 4 traps running. The Bat walk was interesting and although hard to see, the detectors helped greatly.
We then came to the first trap which seemed very interesting to the local Hornet population so with due care we stayed around abit with net in hand, and did manage a few Moths.
We then went to check on my trap running under several Oak's, again a few Moths about and I dare say we would have had a great haul if the lights were left on all night.
We packed up at about 10pm and the total list was only 15 species of Macro but lots of Brindled Green (a Moth i've never seen before) and The Brick was in great abundance.
Best Moth of the evening, a Large Thorn which landed on a youngster's hand! what a lucky find. Oak Hook-tip was also a good record with 3+ individuals.
All in all a great time meeting everybody and exciting the kids with something different, hey even the Mum's seemed quite impressed!
Large Thorn

Brindled Green

Total species list
Willow Beauty
Barred Sallow
Brindled Green
Common Marbled Carpet
Oak Hook-tip
Brimstone Moth
Large Thorn (Surely the best Moth of the night!)
Large Yellow Underwing
Lesser Yellow Underwing
Square-spot Rustic
Yellow-line Quaker
Lunar Underwing
I've not had Yellow-line Quaker or Brindled Green yet (I only caught Brindled Green in 2006).
ReplyDeleteYeah i've never had Brindled Green in my Garden since the 2 years i've been trapping, Yellow-line Quaker turned up last year in small nunmbers.