Well what started off as a mild sunny day of 9c then decided to cloud over an hour of two before dusk dropping the temperature to 6c which seemed perfect.
Unfortunately the skies quickly cleared again, coupled with a bitterely cold wind from the east, the temperature gauge read 4c, but it felt much cooler.
On arrival the sheet said volumes with maybe 9 or 10 Moths present... then a check around the trap yielded some more in the egg cartons.
It was only on inspection of the inside of the trap that accounted for the vast majority of Moths, something that so far is quite unusual
Maybe they were sheltering away from the cold wind that was present?
No new species were noted but a good amount of Noctuid Moths again with 33! Chestnut.
Pictures ---------
Pale Brindled Beauty
Small Brindled Beauty
Catch Report - Friday 05th March 2010 - Parndon Wood - 160w Robinson Trap + 40w Hanging Actinic w/White hanging sheet & ground sheets
Macro Moths
33x Chestnut
16x Satellite
5x Dotted Border
4x March Moth
4x Small Brindled Beauty
1x Pale Brindled Beauty
Micro Moths
42x Tortricodes alternella
Saturday, 6 March 2010
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