We setup 3 traps, 1x 125w MV, 1x 160w MBT and a 40w Actinic.
The cloud cover that was forecast did not materialise and we were left with a bright moon and a stiff breeze, so not ideal conditions!
We failed to locate either of the Prominents we were hoping for.... but did get some lovely Moths albeit in small quantities.
Grey Birch was the best Moth of the night, a scarce species here in Essex, closely followed by Least Black Arches and both Scalloped Hook-tip and Pebble Hook-tip.
The most numerous Macro Moth was Lunar Marbled Brown with no less than 12 individuals recorded.
Eriocrania subpurpurella was the most abundant Micro Moth with in excess of 25 specimens noted.
Species Recorded
Purple Thorn
Lunar Marbled Brown
Least Black Arches
Hebrew Character
Common Quaker
Small Quaker
Scalloped Hook-tip
Pebble Hook-tip
Grey Birch
Common Pug
Oak-tree Pug
Brindled Pug
and a few other species which will be added when I recieve the complete list from Graham.
Grey Birch

Scalloped Hook-tip

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