Again a clear sky was forecast and it was abit chilly, but with temperatures reaching 28c daytime, it took quite a while after sunset to cool down.
I trapped from 9.45pm until 12.30pm and the catch included 3 first's for me, the best a single Sandy Carpet, backed up by the Micro's Cochylis atricapitana & Thistle Ermine Myelois circumvoluta.
Sandy Carpet

Cochylis atricapitana

Thistle Ermine Myelois circumvoluta

Common Wave

Green Carpet

Latticed Heath

Pseudargyrotoza conwagana

Silver-ground Carpet

Catch Report - Braughing - 21/05/10 - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap - 1x 160w MBT DIY Robinson Trap
Macro Moths
1x Sandy Carpet [NEW]
1x Purple Bar [NFY]
2x Silver-ground Carpet [NFY]
1x Marbled Minor sp. [NFY]
1x Common Wave [NFY]
21x Green Carpet
5x Brimstone Moth
2x Common Swift
4x Flame Shoulder
5x Waved Umber
13x Latticed Heath
9x Red Twin-spot Carpet
2x Pale Tussock
3x Hebrew Character
7x Rustic Shoulder-knot
3x Common Pug
4x Mottled Pug
2x Brindled Pug
1x V-Pug
1x Spectacle
2x Scorched Carpet
1x Common Carpet
2x Orange Footman
2x Clouded Silver
1x Shuttle-shaped Dart
2x Nut-tree Tussock
2x White Ermine
Micro Moths
1x Cochylis atricapitana [NEW]
1x Thistle Ermine Myelois circumvoluta [NEW]
1x Celypha lacunana [NFY]
2x Agapeta hamana [NFY]
1x White-shouldered House-moth Endrosis sarcitrella [NFY]
1x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana [NFY]
1x Bee Moth Aphomia sociella
1x Agonopterix heracliana
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