I was not to be let down! with so many species to sort through, it has taken my nearly 2 hours to sort through evetything and take pictures etc.
The most interesting species seem to be an unidentified Pug and the crambid Phlyctaenia perlucidalis which is a rare micro moth nationwide, and is local here in Essex.
Phlyctaenia perlucidalis


Treble Brown Spot

Dwarf Pug

Small Fan-foot

Ingrailed Clay

Ephestia parasitella
Pyla fusca

Catch Report - Hatfield Broad Oak - 08/06/10 - 125w MV Robinson Trap
Macro Moths
1x Treble Brown Spot [NFY]
1x Oak Hook-tip [NFY]
1x Ghost Moth [NFY]
3x Silver-Y [NFY]
1x Dwarf Pug [NFY]
2x Small Fan-foot [NFY]
1x Small Dusty Wave
1x Blood-vein
2x Riband Wave
2x Flame
1x Spectacle
1x Clouded Border
1x Seraphim
1x Peppered Moth
2x Light Emerald
2x Willow Beauty
4x Marbled Minor sp.
3x Large Nutmeg
5x Rustic Shoulder-knot
1x Setaceous Hebrew Character
4x Shuttle-shaped Dart
28x Heart & Dart
3x Brown Rustic
3x Vine's Rustic
1x Ingrailed Clay
2x Nutmeg
1x Brimstone Moth
6x Pale Tussock
1x Poplar Grey
1x Common White Wave
22x Common Swift
2x Scorched Wing
3x Mottled Pug
4x Common Pug
1x Poplar Hawk-moth
4x Buff Ermine
4x White Ermine
1x Purple Bar
1x Clouded Silver
2x Silver-ground Carpet
Micro Moth
1x Phlyctaenia perlucidalis [NFG]
2x Ephestia parasitella [NFG]
2x Chrysoteuchia culmella [NFY]
1x Epiblema trimaculana [NFY]
1x Small Magpie Eurrhypara hortulata [NFY]
1x Pyla fusca [NFY]
4x Crambus lathoniellus
1x Cnephasia sp.
1x Garden Pebble Evergestis forficalis
1x Celypha lacunana
1x Brown House-moth Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Hi Ben,
ReplyDeleteWhat a haul! Loads there that I haven't had yet.......
Cheers Matt the Crambid was very special! my heart started racing! it took ages to sort them out
ReplyDeleteNice one Ben. Here in VC55 P. perlucidalis (actually one of the Pyraustinae) started turning up pretty much everywhere c10 years ago though checking back I've not recorded it so regularly in the last 3 years. Treble Brown Spot on the other hand is very scarce here!