

(5+) Rosy Wave (NEW) - A Nationally Scarce B species, very delicate and pretty.

(1) Lesser Cream Wave (NEW) - A local species inhabiting heaths and grassland.

(5+) Star-wort (NEW) A Nationally Scarce B species confined to salt-marsh habitats.

(1) Beautiful Snout (NEW) - This was the MEGA of the night, Only the 2nd record for Essex, as one was confirmed from Chelmsford last year (little to my knowledge!) Hard to get a shot through the pot as it was so lively.

(8+) White-line Dart (NEW) - Listed as 'Common' but again confined to the coast, quite variable.

(1) Bordered Pug (NEW) - A very pretty Pug.

(3+) Brown Scallop (NEW)
No picture :( I accidently delected it gah! next time, next time.......
Those Lappets look smart - I've only ever seen one (at Wicken Fen) which was sadly knackered! Could do with another. I know that Beautiful Snout feeling - I've taken two in VC55 in exactly the same spot but a few years apart. The first was completely unexpected, the second a nice de ja vu.