Leaving the light on for well over 12 hours, I was hopeful of the first moths of the year and voila! No less than 59 moths of 6 species graced the sheet. of all those recorded only 1 was actually in the trap!
The list included many slightly early Spring Usher and a few melanic Pale Brindled Beauties.
Subsequently all moths were new for the year!
Catch Report - January 14th 2011 - 125w MV robinson Trap with vertical hanging sheet
Spring Usher

32x Spring Usher [NFY]
18x Pale Brindled Beauty [NFY]
6x Chestnut [NFY]
1x Satellite [NFY]
1x Mottled Umber [NFY]
1x Winter Moth [NFY]
Pale Brindled Beauty (melanic)

Mottled Umber

Nice one Ben.