Last night was a little wet to start with but it did dry out and we had a clear sky spell after 11pm which made it feel a lot cooler than recently.
The catch was still very respectable including 14 additional species that didn't come to the light last night, which was quite shocking! the Hawks again came out in force with 2 each of Privet and Elephant, Dotted Fan-foot was a new record for the site and a good one too! but best of all I'm pretty sure I had my very first Triple-spotted Clay (photo showing comparison with Double Square-spot) if it is indeed this, it is a great record for East Hertfordshire.
Confirmed as Triple-spotted Clay
Catch Report - 15/06/11 - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap - Farmland/back garden
Macro Moths
1x Triple-spotted Clay [NEW!]
1x Dotted Fan-foot
1x Peppered Moth
1x Buff-tip
1x Green Silver-lines
1x Buff Ermine
1x Middle-barred Minor
1x Green Pug
2x Elephant Hawk-moth
2x Privet Hawk-moth
2x Treble Lines
1x Latticed Heath
2x Treble Brown Spot
2x Light Arches
26x Heart & Dart
1x Burnished Brass
3x Setaceous Hebrew Character
10x Uncertain
4x Clouded Silver
1x Small Yellow Wave
3x Barred Straw
4x Brown Rustic
5x Rustic Shoulder-knot
14x Nutmeg
2x Common Footman
1x Shoulder-striped Wainscot
2x Common Wainscot
2x Straw Dot
1x Fan-foot
3x Turnip Moth
1x White Ermine
1x Angle Shades
1x Small Waved Umber
1x Clouded Brindle
6x Heart & Club
1x Mottled Beauty
5x Flame
2x Beautiful Hook-tip
2x Large Yellow Underwing
1x Snout
2x Common Swift
2x Ingrailed Clay
8x Double Square-spot
1x Common Pug
4x Dark Arches
4x Large Nutmeg
3x Mottled Rustic
1x Brimstone Moth
Left: Triple-spotted Clay Right: Double Square-spot

Dotted Fan-foot

Micro Moths
1x Archips podana
1x Bee Moth Aphomia sociella
1x Diamond-back Moth Plutella xylostella
1x Aleimma loeflingiana
4x Eurrhypara hortulata
5x Celypha lacunana
2x Celypha striana
2x Hedya pruniana
1x Hedya nubiferena
2x Cnephasia sp.
9x Udea olivalis
3x Cochylis nana
2x Pandemis heparana
2x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
1x Tortrix viridana
3x Chrysoteuchia culmella
2x Crambus lathoniellus
2x Crambus perlella
1x Scoparia ambigualis
1x Eudonia mercurella
2x Blastobasis laticollela
2x Agapeta hamana
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