Best species were a single Small Mottled Willow and 2 Dark Sword-grass, which are migrants from Europe.
Other species of note included my first Mompha propinquella & Stenoptilia pterodactyla and also an unidentified micro, which turns out to be Eulamprotes atrella a good record for Hertfordshire.
Catch Report - 03/07/11 - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap - Farmland/back garden
Macro Moths
1x Angle Shades
3x Beautiful Hook-tip
1x Blood-vein
2x Bright-line Brown-eye
2x Brimstone Moth
3x Brown Rustic
2x Brown-line Bright-eye
2x Buff Arches
1x Buff Ermine
4x Buff-tip
3x Burnished Brass
1x Clay
1x Clouded Silver
1x Common Emerald
59x Common Footman
1x Common Wainscot
14x Dark Arches
2x Dark Sword-grass
3x Dot Moth
6x Double Square-spot
2x Dun-bar
3x Dwarf Cream Wave
1x Elephant Hawk-moth
1x Engrailed
2x Flame
3x Flame Shoulder
1x Green Pug
1x Grey Dagger
2x Heart & Club
8x Heart & Dart
1x Large Twin-spot Carpet
3x Large Yellow Underwing
3x Latticed Heath
1x Least Carpet
1x Lesser Yellow Underwing [NFY]
2x Light Arches
1x Marbled Minor
4x Mottled Beauty
2x Mottled Rustic
1x Nutmeg
1x Peach Blossom
6x Peppered Moth
1x Poplar Grey
2x Privet Hawk-moth
3x Riband Wave
1x Rustic
2x Scalloped Oak
1x Short-cloaked Moth
1x Shoulder-striped Wainscot
2x Single-dotted Wave
1x Small Dotted Buff
1x Small Emerald [NFY]
1x Small Fan-foot
1x Small Mottled Willow [NFY]
1x Small Yellow Wave
3x Smoky Wainscot
3x Snout
2x Swallow-tailed Moth
17x Uncertain
1x Willow Beauty
1x Yellow-tail
Dark Sword-grass

Small Mottled Willow

The two migrants together

Micro Moths
1x Red-barred Tortrix Ditula angustiorana [NFY]
1x Eulamprotes atrella [NEW!]
1x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
1x Lozotaenia forsterana
1x Lozotaeniodes formosanus
3 x Blastobasis lacticolella
1x Mompha propinquella [NEW!]
3x Cnephasia sp.
2x Agapeta hamana
1x Udea olivalis
2x Scoparia ambigualis
1x Bird-cherry Ermine Yponomeuta evonymella
14x Chrysoteuchia culmella
3x Celypha striana
2x Phycita roborella
4x Celypha lacunana
1x Stenoptilia pterodactyla [NEW!]
1x Emmelina monodactyla
2x Cochylis atricapitana
1x Codling Moth Cydia pomonella
2x Thistle Ermine Myelois circumvoluta
1x Gold Triangle Hypsopygia costalis [NFY]
1x Cyclamen Tortrix Clepsis spectrana
2x Dipleurina lacustrata
5x Water Veneer Acentria ephemerella [NFY]
1x Small Magpie Eurrhypara hortulata
2x Aleimma loeflingiana
2x Large Fruit-tree Tortrix Archips podana
6x Crambus perlella
Eulamprotes atrella

Mompha propinquella

Stenoptilia pterodactyla

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