The Moths were superb including new Moths for me Dog's Tooth, Marbled Green, Reed Dagger, Sallow Kitten, Agdistis bennetii, Ebulea crocealis, Epiblema foenella, Eucosma campoliliana, Evergestis extimalis and Stathmopoda pedella, so 10 new species was astonishing!
Other species of note included 1 Crescent several White-points, 3 Garden Tiger's and the rare RDB3 Platytes alipinella was also very common there with at least 25 individuals, always nice to see!
Here is the provisional list that I made on the night, no counts were made by me and i'm probably missing a few as my pen run out of ink!
Macro Moths
2x Oak Eggar
15x Drinker
3x Pebble Hook-tip
1x Mullein Wave
1x Small Blood-vein
5x Lesser Cream Wave
15x Least Carpet
5x Small Fan-footed Wave
1x Single-dotted Wave
4x Small Scallop
15x Riband Wave
50x Shaded Broad-bar
4x Common Carpet
3x Yellow Shell
5x Slender Pug
15x Lime-speck Pug
2x Tawny Speckled Pug
2x Shaded Pug
3x Plain Pug
1x V-Pug
3x Double-striped Pug
1x Treble-bar
7x Magpie Moth
1x Clouded Border
1x Scorched Carpet
12x Sharp-angled Peacock
10x Brimstone Moth
4x Canary-shouldered Thorn
1x Early Thorn
2x Scalloped Oak
3x Willow Beauty
2x Common White Wave
1x Clouded Silver
1x Poplar Hawk-moth
15x Sallow Kitten [NEW!]
6x Pebble Prominent
2x Swallow Prominent
3x Pale Prominent
10x Brown-tail
2x Yellow-tail
1x Rosy Footman
1x Dingy Footman
25x Scarce Footman
3x Common Footman
3x Garden Tiger
20x Ruby Tiger
25x White-line Dart
1x Turnip Moth
1x Heart and Dart
40x Shuttle-shaped Dart
5x Flame Shoulder
5x Large Yellow Underwing
15x Lesser Yellow Underwing
10x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
3x Least Yellow Underwing
1x Dog's Tooth [NEW!]
2x Bright-line Brown-eye
4x Brown-line Bright Eye
20x Clay
5x White-point
4x Southern Wainscot
10x Smoky Wainscot
2x Common Wainscot
1x Grey Dagger
2x Knot Grass
5x Reed Dagger [NEW!]
8x Tree-lichen Beauty
4x Marbled Beauty
1x Chinese Character
1x Garden Carpet
1x Lesser Swallow Prominent
1x Marbled Green [NEW!]
1x Copper Underwing
20x Dun-bar
20x Dark Arches
1x Marbled Minor
30x Cloaked Minor
10x Common Rustic
10x Dusky Sallow
2x Rosy Rustic
1x Crescent
2x Bulrush Wainscot
4x Twin-spotted Wainscot
15x Fen Wainscot
5x Uncertain
10x Rustic
2x Vine's Rustic
2x Silky Wainscot
7x Cream-bordered Green Pea
1x Nut-tree Tussock
1x Straw DotDogs Tooth

Garden Tiger's

Reed Dagger

Sallow Kitten

Sharp-angled Peacock

Silky Wainscot

Twin-spotted Wainscot

White Point

White-line Dart

Micro Moths
1x Coleophora sp.
1x Yponomeuta sp.
2x Argyresthia goedartella
1x Ypsolopha sequella
1x Batia unitella
1x Anacampsis blattariella
1x Helcystogramma rufescens
5x Blastobasis lignea
1x Stathmopoda pedella [NEW!]
1x Limnaecia phragmitella
4x Agapeta hamana
1x Cochylis hybridella
2x Pandemis cerasana Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
2x Epiphyas postvittana Light Brown Apple Moth
1x Celypha striana
2x Apotomis betuletana
5x Eudemis profundana
2x Epinotia brunnichana
1x Epiblema foenella [NEW!]
1x Eucosma campoliliana [NEW!]
2x Eucosma cana
1x Eucosma obumbratana
2x Cydia pomonella Codling Moth
3x Calamotropha paludella
20 Chrysoteuchia culmella Garden Grass-veneer
5x Crambus perlella
10x Agriphila tristella
2x Catoptria pinella
1x Catoptria falsella
1x Pediasia aridella
20x Platytes alpinella
1x Schoenobius gigantella
5x Scoparia ambigualis
2x Eudonia pallida
2x Cataclysta lemnata Small China-mark
2x Evergestis forficalis Garden Pebble
2x Evergestis extimalis
2x Pyrausta aurata
1x Sitochroa palealis [NEW!]
2x Phlyctaenia coronata
1x Ebulea crocealis [NEW!]
5x Udea prunalis
50x Synaphe punctalis
30x Endotricha flammealis
2x Aphomia sociella Bee Moth
5x Trachycera advenella
5x Oncocera semirubella
3x Agdistis bennetii [NEW!]
Agdistis bennetii

Cochylis hybridella

Ebulea crocealis

Epiblema foenella

Eucosma campoliliana

Evergestis extimalis

Platytes alpinella

Schoenobius gigantella

Stathmopoda pedella

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