We parked up and intended to run a few traps from the Old Barn electrics and then walk with a few traps and the genny to somewhere towards Ramacre Wood, overlooking Hay Wood as well.
Unfortunately the electric sockets in the Old Barn did not work (although strangely all the lights did) so after setting up two traps and laying 100 metres of cable to find they wouldn't work, we had to pack it all up and go to plan B, take all but one of the traps with us alongside the bridlepath leading to Ramacre Wood.
This part of Westbrook Hay has been previously untrapped, unfortunately it was very humid (good for moths) and we were plagued by Horse-flies, well I was! One got the tip of my index finger but I got off lightly luckily.
Not to be put off anymore, as soon as I pulled the cord on the generator the wind got up! You couldn't make it up!
Luckily the wind was on and off, but when it was on it was blowing quite considerably. I thought we should put a trap on the bridlepath shielded from the wind, and this trap did pretty well indeed.
All in all a great trip marred by a few niggles, you can't have it all I suppose.
The catch was mainly made up of Middle-barred Minor, Straw Dot, Tortrix viridana, Pseudargyrotoza conwagana, Aleimma loeflingiana and Chrysoteuchia culmella.
Highlights were Green Arches, White-point, Phlyctaenia perlucidalis, Alabonia geoffrella and Archips crataegana.
Stenoptilia pterodactyla was potted up in my car, it must have still been in one of the traps as we were loading them in. Identified by its white costal streak.
Catch Report - 20/06/14 - Westbrook Hay - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 40w Lucent Suitcase Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Suitcase Trap.
59 Macros and 49 Micros ( 108 species)
Macro Moths
2x Beautiful Hook-tip
5x Brimstone Moth
2x Buff Ermine
2x Buff Footman
1x Burnished Brass
2x Clouded Border
30+ Clouded Silver
1x Common Marbled Carpet
1x Common Swift
2x Common Wainscot
1x Common White Wave
1x Coronet
8x Dark Arches
2x Double Square-spot
1x Drinker
2x Engrailed
5x Fan-foot
2x Flame
3x Flame Shoulder
1x Foxglove Pug
2x Garden Carpet
2x Ghost Moth
1x Green Arches
4x Green Silver-lines
4x Grey Pug
3x Heart & Club
12x Heart & Dart
2x Ingrailed Clay
1x Large Nutmeg
1x Large Twin-spot Carpet
5x Large Yellow Underwing
2x Light Arches
1x Light Brocade
4x Light Emerald
1x Lobster Moth
1x Maiden's Blush
5x Marbled Minor
2x Marbled White Spot
20x Middle-barred Minor
7x Mottled Beauty
4x Mottled Rustic
3x Peach Blossom
2x Peppered Moth
5x Riband Wave
1x Scorched Wing
2x Setaceous Hebrew Character
1x Shears
4x Shoulder-striped Wainscot
1x Silver-ground Carpet
1x Small Clouded Brindle
5x Small Square-spot
2x Snout
20+ Straw Dot
2x Treble Brown Spot
8x Uncertain
3x White Ermine
1x White-point
1x Willow Beauty
3x Yellow Shell
Micro Moths
1x Alabonia geoffrella [NEW!]
1x Blastobasis laticolella
1x Zeiraphera isertana
1x Swammerdamia pyrella
1x Bryotropha terrella
1x Parachronistis albiceps
8x Epinotia abbreviana
1x Ancylis achatana
2x Eucosma hohenwartiana
1x Agonopterix arenella
7x Aphomia sociella
20+ Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
1x Eurrhypara hortulata
1x Hofmannophila pseudospretella
20+ Tortrix viridana
50+ Chrysoteuchia culmella
10x Pandemis cerasana
5x Pandemis heparana
4x Celypha lacunana
2x Archips podana
1x Archips crataegana
2x Hedya pruniana
10x Hedya nubiferana
2x Clepsis consimilana
1x Acentria ephemerella
2x Argyresthia albistria
1x Argyresthia conjugella
2 Eudonia mercurella
15+ Aleimma loeflingiana
1x Phycita roborella
2x Cnephasia sp
1x Scrobipalpa acuminatella
1x Ditula angustiorana
1x Phlyctaenia perlucidalis
1x Homoeosoma sinuella
1x Orthopygia glaucinalis
2x Crambus perlella
5x Udea olivalis
1x Udea prunalis
1x Lozotaenia forsterana
12x Archips xylosteana
2x Celypha striana
2x Crambus lathoniellus
2x Scoparia ambigualis
2x Anthophila fabriciana
1x Elachista argentella
1x Teleiodes luculella
1x Emmetia marginea
1x Stenoptilia pterodactyla
![]() |
Blue dot : Car Park Red Dots : Trap locations spread 50m apart |
Alabonia geoffrella |
Ancylis achatana |
Archips crataegana |
Argyresthia albistria |
Argyresthia conjugella |
Epinotia abbreviana |
Epinotia abbreviana |
Eucosma hohenwartiana |
Orthopygia glaucinalis |
Stenoptilia pterodactyla |
Stenoptilia pterodactyla - White costal streak |
Congratulations on the Alabonia geoffrella, Ben. It's a beauty!