Another cracking trip to Bramfield Woods on the 25th of July.
4 traps were set up around the woods, unfortunately I had issues with one of my generators and I had to abandon two of the four traps an hour into the session (oil sensor, fresh oil and it's been fine since).
With two traps still running, the main lighthouse 250w trap was swarming with moths, a lot of the same species, Blastobasis adustella and Endotricha flammealis both easily numbered into the several hundreds.
Pick of the night were two examples of Dystebenna stephensi, a new moth for me, also at least 50 Monochroa cytisella, another new moth for me, a Bracken feeder and expected here I suppose with the profusion of the foodplant present.
The weather had been a bit changeable through the day and had started to rain as I drove off to the wood, luckily there was no more rain although the wind did pick up a bit by midnight.
I left at around 2am with many pots to check the next day.
Here is the total list.
Macro Moths : 67 species
Micro Moths : 89 species
Total : 156 species
Report - 25/07/19 - Bramfield Woods - Hertfordshire - 1x 125w MV
Robinson Trap, 1x 250w MV Clear Robinson Trap, 1x Twin 15w Actinic/Synergetic Combo & 1x 160w Mercury
Blended Robinson Trap - 4
traps in total
Macro Moths
Barred Hook-tip
Black Arches
Bordered Pug
Brown-line Bright-eye
Buff Ermine
Buff Footman
Chinese Character
Cloaked Minor
Clouded Border
Common Carpet
Common Footman
Common Rustic
Common White Wave
Clay Triple Lines
Copper Underwing
Dark Arches
Dingy Footman
Double Square-spot
Dusky Sallow
Dusky Thorn
Iron Prominent
Jersey Tiger
July Highflyer
Large Emerald
Large Yellow Underwing
Latticed Heath
Least Carpet
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Lesser Yellow Underwing
Lime-speck Pug
Maiden's Blush
Maple Pug
Mottled Beauty
Mottled Rustic
Mouse Moth
Nut-tree Tussock
Oak Eggar
Oak Hook-tip
Pebble Hook-tip
Pebble Prominent
Peppered Moth
Pine Hawk-moth
Poplar Hawk-moth
Rosy Footman
Round-winged Muslin
Ruby Tiger
Scalloped Oak
Scarce Footman
Shaded Broad-bar
Single-dotted Wave
Slender Brindle
Small Fan-footed Wave
Smoky Wainscot
Swallow-tailed Moth
Tawny-barred Angle
Tree-lichen Beauty
White Satin
Willow Beauty
Micro Moths
Acentria emphemerella
Acleris forsskaleana
Acleris logiana
Acleris notana ferrugana
Acleris variegana
Acrobasis advenella
Acrobasis consociella
Acrobasis repandana
Agapeta hamana
Agonopterix alstromeriana
Agriphila straminella
Agriphila tristella
Anacampsis blattariella
Anarsia innoxiella
Apotomis betuletana
Aproaerema anthyllidella
Argyresthia brockeella
Argyresthia goedartella
Batia lunaris
Blastobasis adustella
Bucculatrix ulmella
Caloptila alchimiella robustella
Caloptila semifascia
Carcina quercana
Chrysoteuchia culmella
Cochylis atricapitana
Cochylis hybridella
Celypha striana
Cnephasia sp
Calomotropha paludella
Crambus perlella
Cameraria ohridella
Crassa unitella
Cydalimna perspectalis
Cydia fagiglandana
Cydia splendana
Dioryctria abietella
Dioryctria sylvestrella
Ditula angustiorana
Endotricha flammealis
Epiblema costipunctana
Epinotia brunnichana
Epinotia demarniana
Epiphyas postvittana
Eudemis profundana
Eudonia lacustrata
Eudonia mercurella
Grapholita janthinana
Gypsonoma dealbana
Hedya salicella
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Hypsopygia costalis
Lathronympha strigana
Limnaecia phragmitrella
Lyonetia clerkella
Metalampra italica
Monopis weaverella
Morophaga choragella
Oegoconia sp
Pandemis cerasana
Paraswammerdamia albicapitella
Phycita roborella
Phyllonorycter harisella
Piniphila bifasciana
Pleuroptyra ruralis
Plutella xylostella
Pseudatemelia flavifrontella/josephinae
Recurvaria leucatella
Rhyacionia buoliana
Rhyacionia pinicolana
Scythropia crataegella
Spilonota ocellana
Syncopacma sp
Teleiodes vulgella
Teleiodes luculella
Udea prunalis
Yponomeuta evonymella
Yponomeuta cag agg
Yponomeuta rorrella
Ypsolopha parenthesella
Ypsolpha ustella
Zeiraphera isertana
Zellaria hepariella
160w MBT Trap |
250w MV Lighthouse Robinson Trap |
The twin 15w Actinic Trap at packing up time |
Anacampsis blattariella |
Anacampsis blattariella |
Anacampsis blattariella |
Anarsia innoxiella |
Dioryctria abietella |
Dioryctria sylvestrella |
Dystebenna stephensi |
Monochroa cytisella |
Metalampra italica |
Acleris laterana/comariana |
Calybites phasianipennella |
Assara terebrella |
Epinotia brunnichana |
Epinotia demarniana |
Jersey Tiger |
Rhyacionia pinicolana |
Epinotia cinereana possibly |
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