
Hello and welcome to my moth Blog. I now reside in a small village in East Cambridgeshire called Fordham. My Blog's aim is to promote and encourage others to participate in the wonderful hobby that is Moth-trapping.
Moth records are vital for building a picture of our ecosystem around us, as they really are the bottom of the food chain. They are an excellent early indicator of how healthy a habitat is. I openly encourage people to share their findings via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
So why do we do it? well for some people it is to get an insight into the world of Moths, for others it is to build a list of species much like 'Twitching' in the Bird world. The reason I do it....you just never know what you might find when you open up that trap! I hope to show what different species inhabit Cambridgeshire and neighbouring counties.
On this Blog you will find up-to-date records and pictures.
I run a trap regularly in my garden and also enjoy doing field trips to various localities over several different counties.
Please also check out the links in the sidebar to the right for other people's Blogs and informative Websites.
Thanks for looking and happy Mothing!


NFY = New Species For The Year
NFG = New Species For The Garden
NEW! = New Species For My Records

Any Species highlighted in RED signifies a totally new species for my records.

If you have any questions or enquiries then please feel free to email me
Contact Email : bensale@rocketmail.com

My Latest Notables and Rarities

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Panshanger Park - Field Trip - 08/07/21 - National Moth Night Part 1

On Thursday night I trapped at a new site in Central Hertfordshire, and part 1 of my effort for National Moth Night 2021 - Reedbeds.

Panshanger Park is 1000 acres of parkland, woodland, wetland, Reedbeds and grasslands and the variety of habitats reflected on the variety of moths that I recorded.
A former quarrying site, the area has been let for nature to return it's roots and it was amazing seeing so many wildflowers, amongst a huge variety of deciduous and coniferous woodland, we really were spoilt for choice in where to position the traps.
I decided on working the southern area and ran 4 traps.

With highs of 21 degrees, it wasn't overly warm, but the humidity was good and it wasn't set to drop below 15 degrees all night, and with not a breath of air it looked rather good.

Lights were on at 9:30pm and moths didn't take long to respond.

I had to start packing up by midnight as I feared it would take me 2 hours (and it nearly did) to sort through the catch! Lots of Caddis-flies made it tricky to pick out the interesting micros, back ache ensued...
But it was so worth it, with 3 new species for my records, something that doesn't happen very often in my home County.
Sharp-angled Carpet (3), Monochroa lucidella (10) & Pexicopia malvella were the three new moths.

As if that wasn't enough, there were plenty of other stand-out species Bactra furfurana, Batrachedra pinicolella, Eucosma conterminana, Monochroa hornigi and Yponomeuta rorrella to name but a few.

There was also more than 50 Elephant Hawk-moths, with 27 in and around one trap alone! The most i've ever seen before.

I left frazzled, and I knew that two nights later I would be doing it all again.
Catch Report - Panshanger Park - Hertfordshire - 08/07/21 - 4 traps - 1x 250w Clear MV Robinson Trap, 1x 125w MV Trap, 1x Twin 15w Actinic Trap & 1x 160w Mercury Blended Trap

93 Macro Moth Species and 94 Micro Moth Species  - 187 Species in Total

Angle Shades
Barred Straw
Beautiful Golden Y
Beautiful Hook-tip
Blotched Emerald
Blue-bordered Carpet
Bordered White
Bright-line Brown-eye
Brimstone Moth
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Brown Rustic
Brown Scallop
Brown-line Bright-eye
Buff Arches
Burnished Brass
Clouded Border
Clouded Silver
Clouded-bordered Brindle
Common Carpet
Common Emerald
Common Footman
Common Marbled Carpet
Common Wainscot
Cream-bordered Green Pea
Dark Arches
Dark Spectacle
Dingy Footman
Double Square-spot
Elephant Hawk-moth 50+
Flame Shoulder
Ghost Moth
Green Pug
Grey Pug
Haworth's Pug
Heart and club
Heart and dart
Iron Prominent
Kent Black Arches
Large Nutmeg
Large Yellow Underwing
Leopard Moth
Lesser Swallow Prominent
Lesser Yellow Underwing
Light Arches
Light Emerald
Lime-speck Pug
Lunar-spotted Pinion
Marbled Brown
Marbled Minor agg
Marbled White Spot
Mottled Beauty
Mottled Rustic
Peach Blossom
Pebble Hook-tip
Peppered Moth
Pine Carpet
Riband Wave
Rosy Footman
Round-winged Muslin
Ruby Tiger
Scalloped Oak
Scarce Footman
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Sharp-angled Carpet 3
Short-cloaked Moth
Silver Y
Small Elephant Hawk-moth
Small Fan-foot
Small Fan-footed Wave
Smoky Wainscot
Straw Dot
Swallow-tailed Moth
Tawny Marbled Minor (Gen Det)
Tawny-barred Angle
Treble Lines
Turnip Moth
White Point
Willow Beauty

Accentria emphmerella
Acleris forskalleana
Acleris notana/ferrugana
Acrobasis consociella
Acrobasis repandana
Aethes beatricella 5
Agapeta hamana
Aleimma loeflingiana
Anania coronata
Anania hortulata
Anania perlucidalis
Anarsia innoxiella
Ancylis achatana
Aphomia sociella
Archips crataegana
Archips podana
Archips xylosteana
Argyresthia goedartella
Argyresthia pruniella
Assara tenebrella
Bactra furfurana
Batia lunaris
Batrachedra pinicolella
Blastobasis lacticolella
Calamatropha paludella
Carpatolechia fugitivella
Catoptria pinella
Celypha lacunana
Celypha striana
Clepsis consimiliana
Cnephasia sp
Cochylis atricapitana
Cochylis hybridella
Cochylis molliculana
Coleophora alcyonipennella
Crambus lathoniellus
Crambus pascuella
Crambus perlella
Cydia fagiglandana
Cydia splendana
Ditula angustiorana
Eana incanana
Elachista argentella
Emmetia marginea
Ephestia sp
Epinotia abbreviana
Eucosma campoliliana
Eucosma cana
Eucosma conterminana 15
Eucosma hohenwartiana
Eudonia lacustrata
Euzophera pinguis
Exoteleia dodecella
Gillmeria pallidactyla
Gypsonoma dealbana
Hedya nubiferana
Hedya pruniana
Hedya salicella
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Homoeosoma sinuella
Lathronympha strigana
Metzneria lappella
Metzneria metzneriella
Monochroa hornigi 2 TBC
Monochroa lucidella 10
Monochroa palustrellus
Notocelia uddmanniana
Opostega salaciella
Pammene fasciana
Pandemis cerasana
Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Pediasia contaminella
Pexicopia malvella
Phycita roborella
Phycitodes binaevella
Platyptilia gonodactyla
Prays fraxinella
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Pterophorus pentadactyla
Recurvaria nanella
Scoparia pyralella
Scythropia crataegella
Spilonota ocellana
Stenoptilia pterodactyla
Teleoides luculella
Teleoides vulgella
Tortrix viridana
Udea olivalis
Yponomeuta cag/mal/pad
Yponomeuta evonymella
Yponomeuta rorrella
Ypsolopha ustella
Zeiraphera isertana
125w MV Robinson Trap

Monochroa lucidella

Pexicopia malvella

Sharp-angled Carpet

Cream-bordered Green Pea

Lunar-spotted Pinion

Monochroa hornigi

Eucosma conterminana

Batrachedra pinicolella


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