I made a field trip with Colin Plant to a new tetrad in the far North of Hertfordshire, with zero records! We were invited by the two local land-owners, one of whom showed us around upon arrival.
Basically, a long straight track down to a wood.
I was plagued by Horse-flies as soon as I stepped out of my car, so later on I sprayed insect repellant from head to toe and it staved off the little biting blighters thankfully.
Colin focused on the woodland and I was in charge of the track, where I positioned 2 traps overlooking the adjacent fields and one of the traps along the track, a mixture of Mercury Vapor and Actinic traps were used.
As we were setting up, cloud rolled in.. brilliant I thought! And then the breeze picked up and it vanished without a trace, the moon came up (albeit a slither) and the temperature decreased rapidly to a point where we could see our breath, and the sheets that I had laid underneath the traps were soaked.
Colin decided to stay the night and rise early morning (In short he said it wasn't really worth it)
I packed up at around 2am and was pleasantly surprised with the variety of moths present. Typical grassland/woodland species bolstered by a cast of wetland and chalkland species, maybe local movement was happening.
Highlight for me was a new species of Tortrix moth, a Male Archips rosana.
Other moths of note included a duo of Twin-spot Carpet, an exceedingly (Mr.Kiplin would be proud) fresh Rhodophaea formosa, Delplanqueia dilutella/inscriptella, Hypochalcia ahenella and 6 Rush Veneer's hinting at some migration happening.
Below is my list for the night, 68 species a piece for the Macros & the Micros.Wallington Common & Coles Wood - Hertfordshire - 13/07/21 - 3 traps - 1x 250w
Clear MV Robinson Trap, 1x Twin 15w Actinic
Trap & 1x 160w Mercury Blended Trap
68 Macro Moth Species and 68 Micro Moth Species - 136 Species in Total
Macro Moths
Barred Straw
Beautiful Golden Y
Beautiful Hook-tip
Blue-bordered Carpet
Brown Rustic
Brown-line Bright-eye
Burnished Brass
Clouded Border
Clouded-bordered Brindle
Common Wave
Common Carpet
Common Footman
Common Rustic
Common Wainscot
Dark Arches
Dark Spectacle
Dingy Footman
Double Square-spot
Dwarf Cream Wave
Elephant Hawk-moth
Flame Shoulder
Ghost Moth
Green Pug
Grey/Dark Dagger
Haworth's Pug
Heart & Club
July Highflyer
Large Yellow Underwing
Marbled Minor
Mottled Beauty
Mottled Rustic
Pale Prominent
Peppered Moth
Poplar Grey
Poplar Hawk-moth
Privet Hawk-moth
Riband Wave
Scalloped Oak
Scarce Footman
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Shaded Broad-bar
Short-cloaked Moth
Silky Wainscot
Silky Wainscot
Silver Y
Single-dotted Wave
Small Blood-vein
Small Emerald
Small Fan-footed Wave
Smoky Wainscot
Straw Dot
Swallow-tailed Moth
Twin-spot Carpet 2
Willow Beauty
Yellow Shell
Micro Moths
Accentria emphmerella
Acleris forsskaleana
Acrobasis repandana
Acrobasis suavella
Agapeta hamana
Agapeta zoegana
Agriphila tristella
Aleimma loeflingiana
Anania hortulata
Anarsia innoxiella
Ancylis achatana
Aphomia sociella
Archips crataegana
Archips podana
Archips rosana
Archips xylosteana
Argyresthia albistria
Blastobasis lacticolella
Celypha lacunana
Celypha rosaceana
Chrysoteuchia culmella
Clepsis consimiliana
Coleophora albitarsella
Coleophora sp 1 TBC
Crambus lathoniellus
Crambus perlella
Crassa unitella
Cydia nigricana
Delplanqueia dilutella/inscriptella
Eana incanana
Elachista cannapennella
Endothenia gentianaeana/marginana
Epinotia abbreviana
Epinotia signatana
Eucosma cana
Eucosma hohenwartiana
Eucosma obumbratana
Eudonia pallida
Gilmeria pallidactyla
Grapholita janthinana
Hedya nubiferana
Hedya pruniana
Hedya salicella
Homeosoma sinnuella
Hypochalcia ahenella
Metzneria metzneriella
Mompha ochraceella
Monochroa palustrellus
Nemapogon sp
Nomophila noctuella 6
Notocelia roborana
Notocelia trimaculana/roseocolana
Notocelia uddmanniana
Ostrinia nubilalis
Pandemis cerasana
Pandemis heperana
Parapoynx stratiotata
Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Phycita roborella
Pleuroptya ruralis
Plutella xylostella
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Psyche casta
Rhodophaea formosa
Scoparia ambigualis
Scoparia pyralella
Tortrix viridana
Udea prunalis
Agriphila tristella
Archips rosana
Coleophora albitarsella |
Coleophora sp 1 TBC
Delplanqueia dilutella/inscriptella |
Hypochalcia ahenella |
Rhodophaea formosa |
Twin-spot Carpet
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