A warm and windy day, followed by a cool and gusty night wsn't the perfect recipe for a good catch, but I was surprised that I broke double-figures.
Best moths were two Frosted Green, a great moth with only 20 records for Cambridgeshire in total since 1859, to get two was very pleasing.
Frosted Green used to be a regular moth for me in Herts in my garden and out in woodland, but far more good stands of mature Oaks there so it seems.
The second new for garden species was a mint (and rather large) Cnephasia species. The moth has been retained to check to species level.
Other good moths were a second Powdered Quaker and the 2nd & 3rd Muslin Moths of the year.
Colder now for at least a week so I may have a break.
Moth garden list for 2022 stands at 86 species
23/04/22 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap
Macro Moths
Brindled Beauty 2
Common Quaker 4
Double-striped Pug 1
Hebrew Character 2
Muslin Moth 2
Powdered Quaker 1
Shuttle-shaped Dart 2
Micro Moths
Cnephasia sp 1 [NFG]
Emmelina monodactyla 1
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