Another bumper catch on the warmest night of the year on Thursday night.
I set the trap up before going out on a field trip to some local heathland, when I returned at 20 past 1 in the morning, the car thermometer still read a heady twenty degrees!
And checking the trap before bed, I nearly ran out of pots (As a lot of pots had already been used on the field trip).
Come the morning it was a pain trying to fight off a really tame Blackbird! Luckily he didn't get much of a look in, one eye constantly on him, scraping and scratching around whilst walking across the top of our fence.
Below I have just listed the new species for the year/garden. There was around 120 species present, an incredible number for any garden.
Some stunning macro moth species were noted, Scarce Silver-lines was a cracker just because how perfectly formed it was, a Marbled Clover was good to see and continuing the green theme, Cream-bordered Cream Pea was also added to the garden list, a really pretty species.
The micros also astounded me, with 3 species of Anania present, two were new for the year, an extremely smart Endotricha flammealis, and a maybe Tischeria dodonaea, which feeds from Sweet Chestnut trees (We have a mature one outside the front of our house, I must check for any larval workings). Specimen retained.
Running short of time and actually looking forward to a good night's sleep, after last nights mayhem.
Moth garden list for 2022 stands at 380 species
16/06/22 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap
Macro Moths
Cloaked Minor 1 [NFY] Common Emerald 1 [NFG]
Cream-bordered Green Pea 1 [NFG]
Dwarf Cream Wave 1 [NFG]
Leopard Moth 2 [NFG]
Marbled Clover 1 [NFG]
Peach Blossom 1 [NFG]
Scarce Silver-lines 1 [NFG]
Small Blood-vein 1 [NFY]
Treble Brown Spot 1 [NFG]
Micro Moths
Agapeta hamana 1 [NFY]
Anania coronata 1 [NFG]
Anania perlucidalis 1 [NFG]
Anarsia innoxiella 2 [NFG]
Aphelia paleana1 [NFG]
Batia lunaris 2 [NFG]
Carpatolechia fugivitella 1 [NFG]
Coleophora sp 1 (TBC)
Delplanqueia dilutella/inscriptella 1[NFG]
Dichrorampha vancouverana 1 [NFY]
Endotricha flammealis 1 [NFG]
Epinotia tedella 1 [NFG]
Eudonia pallida 1 [NFG]
Hedya salicella 1 [NFG]
Hypsopygia glaucinalis 2 [NFG]
Marasmarcha lunaedactyla 1 [NFG]
Phycitodes binaevella 1 [NFG]
Rhyacionia pinicolana 1 [NFG]
Tischeria dodonaea/ekebladella 1 (TBC) [NFY]
Yponomeuta cag/mal/pad 2
Anania coronata |
Anania perlucidalis |
Anarsia innoxiella |
Cream-bordered Green Pea |
Leopard Moth
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Marbled Clover |
Scarce Silver-lines |
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Tischeria dodonaea possible |
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