Monday 25 September 2023

A nice mild night, but windy as!

A warmer night of late last night, with lows of 16 degrees it was certainly worth lighting up the trap.
The nights are really drawing in now and by 7pm it's already nearly dark. 
By 9pm last night I already had more moths than the previous night combined.
In total, a super 29 species were recorded.
No exciting migrants sadly (maybe tonight) but I did get one Plutella xylostella, a moth I haven't seen for many weeks now.
It was good to see a variety of micros once again.

Highlights were another Red Underwing, a late Coronet and Least Carpet, a rather striking but tiny Phyllonorycter trifasciella, a honeysuckle lover that has multiple broods throughout the year.

There were also two new for year macro moths, Beaded Chestnut & Blair's Shoulder-knot.

Conditions are getting a little better at night, with some windy but mild nights coming up, lets see what happens...

Moth garden list for 2023 stands at 613 species

24/09/23 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Macro Moths

Beaded Chestnut [NFY]
Blair's Shoulder-knot [NFY]
Black Rustic
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Dewick's Plusia
Flounced Rustic
Garden Carpet
Large Yellow Underwing
Least Carpet
Lesser Yellow Underwing
Lunar Yellow Underwing
Lunar Underwing
Mouse Moth
Red Underwing
Square-spot Rustic
Willow Beauty

Micro Moths

Acleris sparsana
Acleris variegana
Blastobasis lacticolella
Cameraria ohridella
Cydalima perspectalis
Epiphyas postvittana
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Monopis crocicapitella
Phyllonorycter trifasciella
Plutella xylostella
Beaded Chestnut

Blair's Shoulder-knot


Phyllonorycter trifasciella

Red Underwing


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