Sunday 24 September 2023

Late moths, fluffy cats and Mirid bugs

A mixture from Friday night and last night.

Firstly on Friday I noted my latest ever record of Buff-tip to the trap amongst a paltry 11 species. Very pleasing to get my first ever September record of this species.

Last night it was slim pickings again under cool conditions. A bright red bug caught my eye and was photographed and identified as Rhopalus parumpunctatus, a new one for me (Having seen umpteen subrufus in years gone by).

And lastly, a head-scratching caterpillar found on the fence late last night. I messaged a few people in the know and the general consensus is that it's a rather odd Ruby Tiger with white tufty hair, rather unusual I thought.

Hopefully the next two nights will be warm enough for some new moths.


Rhopalus parumpunctatus

Ruby Tiger Caterpillar

Ruby Tiger Caterpillar

Ruby Tiger Caterpillar


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