Sunday 26 May 2024

A better night but a real mixed one

The night started clear and breezy, but at some point I knew it would cloud over and rain was expected.
I'm not sure when this happened, because at nigh on midnight, it was still a clear sky, and very little was flying to the trap.
The temperature stayed just into double figures at 10.8c, not spectacular to say the least.
By morning and at 5am I was sifting and sorting through the trap and looking around all of the fence panels and house wall, it had already rained at some point and as I was finishing up, the heavens opened again.
I jotted down a fair list considering there was barely anything for 3hrs after dark.
3 macro moths were new for the year and later on this morning, a micro moth was spotted by my son on the wall (One that I had missed) whoch turned out to be a welcome year first Eudonia lacustrata.
Best moth of the night was a nice fresh Brown Rustic, not a common moth here, and my latest Tawny Pinion (of the Autumn brood) was noteworthy.

Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 231 species
25/05/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Macro Moths

Brown Rustic 1 [NFY]
Common Marbled Carpet 1 [NFY]
Pale Oak Beauty 1 [NFY]
Cabbage Moth 1
Common Swift 6
Dark Spectacle 1
Flame Shoulder 1
Foxglove Pug 1
Garden Carpet 1
Green Pug 2
Heart & Dart 2
Large Nutmeg 2
Light Brocade 3
Marbled Minor 2
Pale Tussock 1
Peppered Moth 1
Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
Shuttle-shaped Dart 1
Small Square-spot 1
Tawny Pinion 1
Treble Lines 3
Turnip 2
Willow Beauty 3

Micro Moths

Eudonia lacustrata 1 [NFY]
Argyresthia cupressella 1
Epiphyas postvittana 1
Eudonia angustea 1
Grapholita funebrana 1
Plutella xylostella 1
Phyllonorycter leucographella 1

Brown Rustic

Common Marbled Carpet

Eudonia lacustrata

Pale Oak Beauty

Tawny Pinion


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