Wednesday 15 May 2024

Cool and clear and blustery once more

And the moths knew that it wasn't a good night, just 12 species were recorded on Friday night under clear skies and a breezy night.
There were of course some very welcome new for year species, the best was a mint Lime Hawk-moth, the green theme continued with a cracking female Light Emerald, she was massive!
Last but not least were two Mottled Pugs.
The weekend was steady but not incredible. 

Luckily the nights are still just about warm enough for some activity.
Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 168 species
10/05/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Macro Moths
Light Emerald 1 [NFY]
Lime Hawk-moth 1 [NFY]
Mottled Pug 2 [NFY]
Common Pug 1
Shuttle-shaped Dart 4
Waved Umber 1
Willow Beauty 1

Micro Moths
Monopis laevigella 1 [NFY]
Bryotropha basaltinella 3
Eudonia angustea 1
Scrobipalpa ocellatella 2
Neocochylis dubitana 1
Light Emerald

Lime Hawk-moth

Monopis laevigella

Mottled Pug


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