Friday 7 June 2024

A very pleasing night

A better night here, but still a bit cool and clear, but it was lovely and calm and the moths seemed to like it also.
Plenty of species and some cracking moths.
Pick for me was a belting V-Moth. I get these annually here but always in small numbers, a really unusual moth.
Luquetia lobella was also a fave, a really funny looking micro moth, like no other species and they are very twitchy and rather than fly away, they dart around intially, very obscure!
A nice pink-flushed Ephestia species was also rather nice.
Still the weather continues to be a bit iffy, not all bad, just not 100% great. But then we do live in England, where you have to do things around the weather and try and not let it dictate.
Happy mothing!

Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 278 species
06/06/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Macro Moths

Common Footman 1 [NFY]
Light Arches 1 [NFY]
V-moth 1 [NFY]
Buff Ermine 2
Common Pug 1
Dark Arches 2
Garden Carpet 2
Green Pug 1
Heart & Dart 1
Large Nutmeg 2
Large Yellow Underwing 2
Lime-speck Pug 1
Marbled Minor 1
Mottled Pug 1
Pale Mottled Willow 1
Pale Tussock 1
Peppered Moth 1
Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
White-point 2
Willow Beauty 3

Micro Moths

Elachista stabilella 1 [NFY]
Luquetia lobella 1 [NFY]
Anania hortulata 1
Bryotropha basaltinella 5
Coleophora alcyonipennella/frischella 1
Crambus lathoniellus 1
Epiphyas postvittana 1
Grapholita funebrana 1
Hedya nubiferana 1
Homoeosoma sinuella 2
Mompha subbistrigella 2
Phtheochroa rugosana 1
Plutella xylostella 1

Common Footman

Elachista stabilella

Ephestia sp

Homoeosoma sinuella

Light Arches

Luquetia lobella



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