Friday 28 June 2024

Another exceedingly good catch

Nearly 70 species were recorded on Monday night under warm and muggy conditions.
We are still missing cloudy nights here in the east, but it didn't affect the temperature that much, as the warm air mass blanketed most of the south and east of the UK.
The moon is also starting to wane and shift it's rising time to past midnight which helps.
Nothing unusual on the list for Monday, but a few specilaties I get here including Homoeosoma nebulella & Anania perlucidalis.

A single, worn Epinotia abbreviana was probably the best moth of the night, only the 2nd garden record.
The variety still continues to astound, and two of my colourful favourites were potted up before bedtime, they were Pyralis farinalis & Toadflax Pug.
17 new for year species were noted and macros and micros are drawing 191 species each!

Once more, taking photos of the moths was a rather challenging experience, with the bright and hot day not the best conditions to get them to cooperate!
Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 382 species
24/06/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap
Blood-vein 1 [NFY]
Double Square-spot 1 [NFY]
Rustic 1 [NFY]
Short-cloaked Moth 1 [NFY]
Toadflax Pug 1 [NFY]
Treble Brown Spot 3 [NFY]

Micro Moths 

Acleris variegana 1 [NFY]
Anania perlucidalis 1 [NFY]
Bryotropha domestica 1 [NFY]
Cydalima perspectalis 1 [NFY]
Epinotia abbreviana 1 [NFY]
Etainia decentella 2 [NFY]
Eucosma obumbratana 1 [NFY]
Homoeosoma nebulella 1 [NFY]
Neocochylis hybridella 1 [NFY]
Pyralis farinalis 1 [NFY]
Yponomeuta evonymella 3 [NFY]

Acleris variegana

Anania perlucidalis

Bryotropha domestica

Double Square-spot

Epinotia abbreviana

Eucosma obumbratana

Homoeosoma nebulella

Pyralis farinalis


Short-cloaked Moth

Toadflax Pug

Yponomeuta evonymella


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