Thursday 6 June 2024

Steady but some interest still

Quiet now, but a few nice moths were attracted to my actinic trap on Monday night. 

There was just 1 new macro for the year, but it was a beauty of a Beautiful Hook-tip which posed nicely on a patio slab.
Micros were in short supply as it was a cold night (By June's standards) and down to 8 degrees.

There were 3 new micros though which was very pleasing, given the awful conditions.
They were, a faded Tortrix viridana, the unusual looking Blastodacna hellerella & a rather smart yellow-striped Oegoconia species.

One macro moth did catch my eye, a very small Noctuid that I intially mistook for an early Heart & Club.
It was not to be, and turns out after getting a look at it in good light, that it's a Turnip Moth! a right old runt with a lovely gingery head and mottled markings. I do love these smart forms of common moths.

Still waiting on a perfect 'stars-aligned' night...

Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 272 species
03/06/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Macro Moths

Beautiful Hook-tip 1 [NFY]
Buff-tip 1
Clouded Silver 2
Common Swift 5
Coronet 1
Dark Arches 2
Elephant Hawk-moth 1
Garden Carpet 1
Green Pug 1
Heart & Dart 1
Large Nutmeg 3
Large Yellow Underwing 4
Light Brocade 2
Lime Hawk-moth 1
Marbled Minor 5
Mottled Rustic 1
Pale Mottled Willow 1
Pale Oak Beauty 1
Peppered Moth 2
Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
Silver Y 1
Snout 2
Straw Dot 1
Swallow Prominent 1
Turnip Moth 3
Willow Beauty 7

Micro Moths

Blastodacna hellerella 1 [NFY]
Oegoconia sp 1 [NFY]
Tortrix viridana 1 [NFY]
Epiphyas postvittana 3
Parapoynx stratiotata 1
Platyedra subcinerea 1

Beautiful Hook-tip

Blastodacna hellerella

Oegoconia sp

Turnip Moth

Tortrix viridana


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