Wednesday 3 July 2024

Latest from the home trap

A welcome night off last Friday, as it was a bit cool and breezy and I needed to recharge ready for a trip to Wicken Fen on Saturday night!
Upon returning from Wicken at gone 3am and frazzled, I decided to pack my garden trap up as it would be getting light in less than an hour anyway!
I probably a missed a few in the evening as I was out, but there were around 50 species noted.
Best moth of the night was a new garden macro, a fantastic pink-blushed Lilac Beauty, what a moth. Sort of half carpet-half thorn. They are tricky to get a photo of due to their odd posture. There were just 5 records last year in the county of Cambridgeshire, so it's not a common moth.
Other good moths were all micros, including mint examples of Epiblema foenella, Gypsonoma aceriana, Schoenobius gigantella &Yponomeuta rorrella.
As is the case this time of year, i've only listed the new species for the year.
Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 422 species
29/06/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Macro Moths

Lilac Beauty 1 [NFY]

Micro Moths

Epiblema foenella 1 [NFY]
Gypsonoma aceriana 1 [NFY]
Limnaecia phragmitella 1 [NFY]
Vitula biviella 1 [NFY]
Yponomeuta rorrella [NFY]

Epiblema foenella

Gypsonoma aceriana

Lilac Beauty

Limnaecia phragmitella

Phycitodes binaevella and phycitodes maritima/saxicola

Schoenobius gigantella

Vitula biviella

Yponomeuta rorrella


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