Tuesday 3 September 2024

3 new garden Coleophora species

I received some genitalia dissections back from Colin Plant today.

Some really good records both locally and in my garden. I do tend to cherry pick unusual looking species that might be worth looking at further, rather than heaps of the same material.
My selective ways certainly paid off with this latest batch of results!
3 new Coleophora species added to the garden list, but even better still, two appear to not be on the Cambs list! And even more unbelievably, those two I potted up in the garden on the same night!
The moths in question were Coleophora lassella & Coleophora pennella (with 2 records on different nights of this species).

Both species apprear coastal but with pockets in the nearby Brecks, so that's probably where they have drifted in from.

The 3rd species was a nationally common Oak feeding species, Coleophora lutipennella. Fairly scarce in Cambs.
Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 574 species

Coleophora lassella - Male - Gen Det Colin Plant - 21st June

Coleophora lutipennella - Male - Gen Det Colin Plant - 2nd July

Coleophora pennella - Female - Gen Det Colin Plant - 21st June

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