Tuesday 10 September 2024

And then September went rather slow!

For a couple of nights anyway, with species around the 25-30 mark a night it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't astounding either.
New for year species dropped a fair bit, and I only added 1 on the 2nd and 1 on the 3rd. 
Barred Hook-tip was nice to get, a species that I missed last year.

The night after yielded the other species of Ethmia that are usually regular here, Ethmia dodecea. Quite a late first for the year record as well.

Other than that it was fairly quiet after the first of the month excitement.

Moth garden list for 2024 stands at 582 species
02/09/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Macro Moths

Barred Hook-tip 1 [NFY]

03/09/24 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap

Micro Moths

Ethmia dodecea 1 [NFY]
Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella 1 [NFY] 

Barred Hook-tip

Ethmia dodecea

Galleria mellonella

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